The True Growth Podcast

Foundations of Self Care 6 Part Series, Part 1 & 2 Eating and Hydration

Season 1
Season 1
Foundations of Self Care 6 Part Series, Part 1 & 2 Eating and Hydration

In this Spring into Action: Foundations of Self Care 6 part series I will be sharing with you the mindset, strategy and tools you need to take care of your body and mind as one complete, living, breathing organism. This series came to life in The True Growth Tribe Facebook group as a 6 day live challenge. Due to the success of this challenge the team and I have turned this into a 3 part podcast series especially for you!

Part 1 & 2 Eating and Hydration

What does a Success Coach know about feeding your body?

Well, after 20 years of learning to live with and manage my own gut health and IBS, I’ve picked up a thing or two…

I developed a keen interest in the correlation between food/hydration and mood especially since working with clients attending anger management programs. And, I’ve recently had the privilege to meet and collaborate with several experts in food, eating and nutrition and feel called to share this with you.

There’s a saying – “You are what you eat”… If I looked in your fridge, would it reflect who you think you are?

Drinking water has so many benefits for your mind, body and soul. If you need any further proof just think about the difference between plums and prunes!!

Listen out for my top tips on increasing your water intake by connecting water to another activity.

Hint: there are challenges set in this episode 🙂 For those of you that complete the challenges set over the next 3 podcast episodes (and let me know) will receive a FREE copy of my book: Foundations of Self Care, How to Spring Clean Your Soul.

Enjoy the show:

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