Welcome, thank you for stopping by to check out my website and my work.
I hope that you find what you are looking for in these pages, however if you have a question, just ask. It is my job to put your mind at ease. Please feel free to drop me an email at
Are you seeking to make changes to the way you are living and working?
Are you struggling to find the balance and ease?
Instead, are you feeling fatigued, stressed, and overwhelmed most of the time?
Are you searching for the ONE thing that will move the needle towards achieving your goals?
Do you want to know how to move past mistakes, quickly, so that they no longer hold you back?
Are you seeing other people brimming with confidence and wondering how you can have that courage too?
Perhaps you trying to combat fears of failure or unworthiness?
Well, you have come to the right place, it is my mission to help you to rediscover the joy, to show you how you can live free from fear, and empower you to take courageous action.
Come on in.
I Can Help You
I am a solution focused, trauma informed, professionally registered counsellor trained in several modalities including CBT and NLP.
Business consultant
Expertise can save clients time, streamline systems, increase profits and productivity.
Motivational Speaker
What got you here, won’t necessarily get you there! Let me inspire your organisation to step up to the next level, implement changes and grow.